Premature Ejaculation in Riyadh, Average Time, Hakim Ji Riyadh

Average premature ejaculation ti

premature ejaculation time meaning

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Premature ejaculation refers to the release of semen much before climax or intercourse. Many men suffer from this sexual dysfunction, and they feel they are not having control over the release of sperm. The partners may want them to last longer, but due to this involuntary sensation, these individuals ejaculate too soon. In some cases, people can manage to hold the orgasm till penetration, but the ejaculation occurs shortly after. 

In any case, premature ejaculation can lead to disturbed relationships as the partners remain dissatisfied. Men facing PE become frustrated about not contenting their partners. They start searching anxiously about the average premature ejaculation time. Moreover, they begin doubting their masculinity as they thought it was something they could easily control till now. 

The Impact of Varying Satisfaction Levels

Thus, it is important to know the correct and average time men ejaculate. Sexual behavior and satisfaction level can vary from one to another. Some females may want men to last for half an hour, while others may like to conclude the activity sooner. However, the average premature ejaculation time is mostly fixed across men worldwide. So, females who may complain that their partners have uncontrolled ejaculation should be aware of this value. Also, men who feel low about their sexual patterns can refer to this value to determine whether they are facing PE. 

What is the Average Time for Ejaculation and Premature Ejaculation?

The average time for ejaculation is around three to five minutes after the man penetrates the vagina of the female. When this time gets reduced to around one to two minutes post-penetration, it can be called premature ejaculation. 

The Final Thoughts

If you have any doubts regarding your ejaculation time or feel you are facing PE, it is time to visit an expert sexologist near you. The doctor shall inform you of the average premature ejaculation time and suggest treatment methods to overcome this sexual dysfunction. All that we suggest is not to try any treatment on your own without a doctor’s consent. Premature ejaculation is a manageable sexual disorder only if you follow the guidance of your sexologist. 

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