Erectile Dysfunction in Riyadh, Main Cause, Hakim Ji Riyadh

What is the main cause of erecti

causes of erectile dysfunction in male

+91-9354705113 (Whats App / Call Number), Hakim Ji Riyadh, Best Sexologist in Riyadh, Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Clinic

Many men face problems with having or maintaining an erection while involved in sexual activities. The partners of these men are usually dissatisfied, as sexual intercourse is impossible without a firm or long erection. People with ED often wonder what is the main cause of erectile dysfunction.

People with ED may feel lesser confident about their masculinity and capabilities. Hence, it is essential that the individuals visit a sexologist and treat this disorder like any other health issue. Also, they should be aware of some basic facts about this sexual problem. Therefore, this post states the primary cause of erectile dysfunction.

what is the main cause of erectile dysfunction?

Erection requires adequate blood flow to the penis. So, the main reason for not achieving an erection is the insufficient penile blood supply. This inadequate blood flow, in turn, has many contributing causes. This section discusses these reasons in detail.

  • Health Disorders –Some health issues can decrease the blood flow to all body parts, including the penis. These include cardiovascular or heart problems, kidney ailments, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, etc.
  • Lifestyle Habits – Addictive substances like alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs can interfere with the body’s blood supply.
  • Medications – Certain medicines, such as antidepressants and antihypertensives, can have ED as a side effect.
  • Mental Health Conditions – Psychological disorders anxiety, stress, depression, or even anger can lead to reduced blood flow to the penile tissues.

The Final Thoughts

It is evident from the above details that ED can be a consequence of various underlying problems. Therefore, if you have observed erectile disorder during sexual activity, it is wise to consult an Ayurvedic sexologist without delay. The sex specialist shall diagnose you thoroughly to answer what is the main cause of erectile dysfunction in your case. The doctor shall then suggest naturally formulated medication and positive lifestyle changes to overcome this condition. We gave you the glimpse of probable causes behind the problem of ED and there can be many other too. We insist you connect with a trusted sexologist to discuss your problem of ED in detail. 

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