The natural cure for premature ejaculation in Delhi

The natural cure for premature e

Suffering from varied sexual disorders is not uncommon among the humans, and premature ejaculation is another sexual disorder in men. As per research, almost one in three men complains suffering from premature ejaculation between 18 to 59 years. As per experts, PE is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men. 

Are natural herbs good for premature ejaculation?

At present many health issues can easily get healed with the help of natural herbs or Ayurvedic treatment. In case of sexual disorders like premature ejaculation, etc, men can take the help of natural herbs. Men who hardly believe that natural herbs are a cure for premature ejaculation, can take check the details below. 

A cure for premature ejaculation

Shilajit– This natural herb has been used in the past to cure varied health issues. This natural herb is beneficial in treating sexual disorders in men. Consumption of this natural herb will keep the mind calm and help in boosting desire. 

Nutmeg– Nutmeg, popularly known as Jaiphal contain nerve-motivating belongings which will keep men away from early ejaculation problem. Consumption of Nutmeg helps in increasing ejaculation time and strengthening sexual activity. Experts suggest mixing a pinch of Nutmeg in milk at bedtime to get rid of premature ejaculation.

Shatavari– Experts suggest men consume Shatavari to reduce the chances of premature ejaculation. Shatavari helps in boosting men’s sexual health. Doctors suggest to mix one teaspoon of Shatavari powder with milk and boiling it for ten minutes. Men need to consume this Ayurvedic drink twice a day to get healed from premature ejaculation. 

Sexologist advice

But give pause and listen. We mentioned the natural herbs which can help you in managing premature ejaculation. But we also recommend you connect with one of the best sexologists in the industry to confirm if that suits you or not. Various other health parameters need to be taken into consideration for treating premature ejaculation. A sexologist will examine the condition and then will recommend the right herb which can help you in overcoming the problem you are facing. Meet your sexologist today and get treated.

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