Reasons Behind The Occurrence Of Wet Dreams, Sexologist in Delhi

Reasons Behind The Occurrence Of Wet Dreams
Are you aware of the term wet dreams? Have you heard or faced it in real life? It is a normal thing and common in both men and women. It is a sign of puberty. For the complete detail, follow the content. A sexologist in Old Delhi will help you with more information and the best treatment.
What are Wet Dreams?
It is also known as a sex dream, nightfall, sleep orgasm, or nocturnal emission. It is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep with an unconscious mind. It occurs in both men and women; for men, it is known as ejaculation, while in women, it is called vaginal wetness.
What are the causes of wet dreams?
• Usually, nightfall or wet dreams are signs of weakness, fatigue, and exertion. If you are feeling weak, or; fatigued and that too for many days, then it can be a symptom of Wet Dreams.
• Infection in your reproductive organ, dissatisfaction with sex life, or premature ejaculation may lead to wet dreams.
• If you are reading sex stories and watching sex-related movies or have not been sexually active for a long time, all are the reason behind your wet dreams.
What remedy will work to avoid wet dreams?
Biologists and sexologists concluded that it occurs due to a rise in the level of the sex hormone that happens during puberty. In this condition, wet dreams are normal, and there is nothing to worry about.
It is the phase of maturity level, so you cannot control or stop wet dreams. But when you start releasing your sperm by masturbating or becoming sexually active, you will spontaneously overcome this problem.
Wet dreams are not a disease, and it is only a phase of your adulthood where sex hormone works actively and increases their level accordingly. Ayurveda offers excellent treatment for this problem, and you can visit Ayurvedic Shafakhana for assistance.