Premature Ejaculation in Dubai, Ayurvedic Medicine, Hakim Ji Dubai

Premature ejaculation best ayurv

premature ejaculation medicine in ayurvedic

+91-9354705113 (Whats App / Call Number), Hakim Ji Dubai, Best Sexologist in Dubai, Hakim Hari Kishan Lal Clinic

Some individuals cannot control their ejaculation and release semen before the climax. Even if some men manage to last till the penetration, they release sperm soon after. This sexual disorder, called premature ejaculation, becomes a cause of concern for people facing it.

PE leads to stressful relationships as the ejaculation does not match the partners’ needs or timing. This sexual dysfunction also puts the masculinity of the person at stake. Hence, men seek medication or treatment methods on the Net to eliminate this issue.

The Internet and market have umpteen measures that claim to heal PE. Notwithstanding, few of them are effective. Furthermore, even if the medications work, these may have various side effects or develop dependency.

Under such circumstances, Ayurvedic medication is the best and safest choice as it is entirely natural. The treatment method consists of naturally derived medication and positive lifestyle changes to overcome PE. This post states premature ejaculation best ayurvedic medicine that sex specialists use to treat this sexual dysfunction.

  • Jatiphal – It is a common spice in Indian kitchens but also has healing properties for sexual dysfunctions like PE.
  • Erandmoola–This plant and its root balance the Vata dosha and thus treat PE significantly.
  • Brahmi – Sexologists include it in the list of premature ejaculation best ayurvedic medicine as it heals premature ejaculation. Moreover, it also reduces performance anxiety and relieves the person from stress.
  • Kaunch Beej – It enhances sexual stamina by postponing ejaculation.
  • Amlaki – Besides having digestive properties, this popular fruit can delay ejaculation.
  • Lavanga – It is another spice called clove and is known to treat PE by increasing penile reflexes.

The Concluding Thoughts

Ayurvedic sexologists diagnose individuals thoroughly to determine the root cause of premature ejaculation. After discussing the current lifestyleor prevalent medication, they suggest premature ejaculation best ayurvedic medicine. The healing substances are entirely natural without any side effects, including the herbs mentioned in this account. One thing that we should keep in mind is that which ayurvedic herb will be suitable for you will be decided by your sexologist only. So without consultation do go for any ayurvedic herbs for your problem.

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