Finish Shame about Erectile Dysfunction in Delhi

Finish Shame About Erectile Dysf

Erectile dysfunction shame

Many men globally experience erection disorders. However, very few open up about this issue with their partners. Moreover, they feel ashamed of discussing it with a sexologist. This embarrassment does no good and instead complicates the condition and relationships. Therefore, it is time that men are aware of this sexual disorder. This post discusses essential information about erectile dysfunction.

What is ED?

ED is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for penetration. Men who have ED cannot get an erection despite stimulation. Some men can attain erection on orgasm but cannot sustain it. Countless men in this world are having this problem and you are not the only one. Many of them took a step forward to meet the sexologists in their city and after treatment lead a happy life.

What are the Causes of ED?

Many underlying reasons can contribute to the subject sexual dysfunction.

  • Physiological factors include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, enlarged prostrate, etc.
  • Psychological causes can be depression, anxiety, stress, fear, etc.
  • Lifestyle habits include consumption of alcohol, unhealthy sleeping patterns, working for long hours, etc.

So, you got a brief as what can be the probable causes behind the problem od ED.  Variations in the problems can be there as no two men are the same.


The sexologist in Delhi NCR will discuss your lifestyle, daily routine, past experiences, etc., to diagnose the root cause. The doctor can also ask you about any existing treatment as ED can be a side effect of some medicines. Then, the doctor shall begin the treatment by providing medication and suggesting lifestyle changes.

Finish the Shame

Erectile dysfunction is a medical condition and nothing to be ashamed of. Many men suffer from this problem worldwide, and you are not alone. Also, ignoring or living with this issue is unwise. Thus, if you face this sexual disorder, consulting an Ayurvedic sexologist near me will be a practical decision. Just ensure you elaborate all your problems to your doctor. It will help your doctor treat you better. Help your doctor to help you.

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