Causes of Premature Ejaculation in Delhi

Many men today cannot control their release of sperm during sexual activities. The ejaculation occurs much before they or their partners want it to. Though premature ejaculation is common, most people are unaware of its reasons. Some also feel ashamed to visit a sexologist for treatment as they do not know why it is happening to them. Thus, this account explains the causes of this sexual disorder.
Do you know that premature ejaculation is a problem which you can find in many men? Stay assured that you are not the only candidate having this problem. All that is important for you is to consult a good sexologist in Delhi.
Primary PE – Type 1
It refers to a lifelong PE issue in individuals and may result from genetic factors. Therefore, even if the person tries his best to control the release, he will not get satisfactory results. Thus, it is best to seek medical help in this regard. The sexologist shall study the individual’s lifestyle and suggest appropriate treatment methods. The condition can improve with medical intervention.
Secondary PE – Type 2
This category refers to the sudden occurrences when a man cannot control his ejaculation. These individuals generally have a usual release ratebut witness PE in some phases of their sexual life. The reasons behind these changes can be physiological or psychological. If you have been facing PE for the past few days, you have secondary premature ejaculation. Hence, you can visit an experienced sexologist for further discussion. The specialist shall understand your recent lifestyle changes and begin the necessary treatment.
The Concluding Thoughts
Whichever type of premature ejaculation you have, it is treatable through medical help. Thus, you should not feel ashamed or guilty about this condition. You can search for a reliable sexologist near you and frankly discuss the problem. Seeking the advice and guidance of a sexologist will help you to get the right treatment at the right time. Following the instructions of the medical expert will help you to witness the improvement in you with time. Ensure you consult the best sexologist of the city for your PE treatments.