Premature Ejaculation in Dubai, Average Time, Hakim Ji Dubai

Average premature ejaculation ti

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The timing of ejaculation plays a crucial role in the satisfaction of sexual relationships. A man’s partner may complain if he does not release the semen at the right time. Premature ejaculation is when the individual ejaculates much before the climax.In some cases, the man manages to penetrate, but the release of sperm occurs shortly after.

In either case, the partner is dissatisfied, more so because women want men to last longer.Under such circumstances, some men also get confused regarding the average premature ejaculation time. Therefore, this post intends to clear queries of men who think they are facing premature ejaculation. This account discusses the average duration for premature ejaculation, along with the categorization of this sexual dysfunction.

What is the Average Duration of Premature Ejaculation?

A man with healthy sexual patterns usually releases semen in five and a half minutes post-penetration. It implies that a person who can control his ejaculation takes five minutes and thirty seconds to release sperm. On the other hand, a person having involuntary ejaculation before or shortly after intercourse releases semen much earlier. Precisely, the average premature ejaculation time is one minute and thirty seconds post-penetration. In extreme cases, this time can even reduce to less than a minute.

What are the Different Categories of Premature Ejaculation?

PE is classified into many categories based on the frequency of occurrence. Premature ejaculation can be:

  • Frequent – Occurs more than sixty percent time.
  • Occasional – Takes place very few times.
  • Lifetime – Observed almost every time.

The Concluding Thoughts

Hopefully, this post cleared your queries to some extent about the approximate duration of premature ejaculation. If you feel you witness this sexual dysfunction, it will be wise to consult a trusted Ayurvedic sexologist. The doctor shall inform you about the average premature ejaculation time and how to begin the natural treatment methods.

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